Customers Online Plus

Table of Contents


You can purchase and download this extension at the Opencart Extension Store

A full list of my extensions is availble here: Opencart Market Place

New Installation - Opencart 3.x

  1. Go to System -> Setting -> Options Tab
  2. Scroll down to the 'Account' section and set 'Customers Online:' to NO
  3. Go to Extensions -> Installer
  4. Upload the file and wait for it to finish.
    This could take 5 minutes to upload so please be patient.
  5. Go to System -> Users -> User Groups, edit admin user and select:
  6. Go to Extensions -> Modifications and click on the 'Refresh' button top right.
  7. Now go to Reports -> Who's Online
    The database tables and default settings will be automatically installed. Once installed you will see an install success page - click on the link and you will be taken to your new report.

New Installation upto Opencart 2.3.x (vQmod)

Before installation make sure you have already installed the latest vQmod.

  1. Goto System > Settings > Option Tab
  2. Scroll down to the 'Account' section and set 'Customers Online:' to NO.
  3. Upload the catalog, admin, System and vqmod folders located in the upload folder - No files are overwritten..
  4. Login to admin page:
    1. Go to System -> Users -> User Groups, edit admin user and select:
    2. Go to Reports > Customers > Customers Online to see your new report:
      The database tables and default settings will be automatically installed. Once installed you will see an install success page - click on the button and you will be taken to your new report.

Upgrade 1.76/1.8.0 to 1.8.3

up to Opencart 2.3.x

Upload the files over writing existing.  Visit your report, you should see an Install Complete page.  Click on the link to continue to your report.

Opencart 3.x
  1. Go to the Customers Online Report and switch Customers Online to No
  2. Go to Extensions -> Installer
  3. Upload the file and wait for it to finish.
    This could take 5 minutes to upload so please be patient.
  4. Go to Extensions -> Modifications and click on the 'Refresh' button top right.
  5. Now go to Reports -> Who's Online
    Any changes will be automatically installed. Once installed you will see an install success page - click on the link and you will be taken to your new report.

Settings and Options

At the top of the report you will see a 'Show Settings' link; click on this and the available settings will be shown.

  • Customers Online
    You can now swich Customers Online on and off directly from the report page.
  • Bots by Name
    Set to yes to prevent most major bots being recorded in your logs.  This is done by matching names to a list inbuilt in the extension.
  • Bots by IP
    Set to yes to block most major bots being recored in your logs.  This is done by IP address.  IP addresses are stored in the database and will be updateable in a future release.
  • Ignore Pages
    Comma seperated list of routes not to record.
    If a vistor lands on your site (first page they view) then they will not be recoreded.  These are routes that a normal visitor would not land on so is likely a bot etc.
    The 'checkout/success' route MUST stay.
  • Excluded IPs
    Comma seperated list of IP address not to record.  Commonly you might use this for your own IP address.
  • Download Token
    Download token is used to enable updating of the ip2location database. Get your free Download Token from your account on
  • Your Timezone
    Optional: If you get a different click for every entry or any other problems with times, then you can try setting your timezone here.  Search the list for a time that matches your local time and then select the nearest timezone.

Archive and Reporting

The system now archives all records from the active who's online table that are older than 35 minutes (and therefore no longer active).


An admin page is used to manage the archive table and you can carry out the following actions:

  • Shows you how many rows are in the table.  Once you start geting to the 100,000 (bit of a guess at the moment) mark you might want to think about deleting a few records.
  • Shows you the date of the earliest record.
  • Has an input box and button to allow you to delete rows in the acrchive table. Enter how many rows you would like to delete, this deletes the oldest rwos first.
  • Has an 'Empty Tables' button.  This empties and resets the Archive table AND the active Who's Online table.

Access to the Manage Archive page is from the Dropdown Report Selector from the main report page.


Opencart 3.x

From the report, click on the 'Show Settings' link to show the settings.

  1. Click on the Uninstall Button in the bottom right of the settings page.
  2. Click OK and then wait while the data is removed from your database - you will then be directed to the extension installer page.
  3. Uninstall the 
  4. Go to Extensions -> Modifications and click on the refresh button.
Opencart upto 2.3.x (vQmod)

 From the report, click on the 'Show Settings' link to show the settings.

  1. Click on the Uninstall Button in the bottom right of the settings page.
  2. Click OK and then wait while the data is removed from your database and files deleted - you will then be directed to the dashoard.

Known Issues

Once installed, test your report by clicking around your shop a few times, visiting some different pages.

Go to the admin and check the report.  If it is working correctly then you should just see the one entry for yourself and it will show the different pages that you have clicked on.

If you get a new entry for every page that you have clicked on, then there is an issue with your servers, that being that the web server has a different time to the database server, normally 1 hour, probably something to do with day light saving times.

This can be fixed easily enough with an additional extension which I can provide.  If you are having this problem then please use the Support Form and I will send you the necessary fix for your store.


This uses the free IP2Location LITE IP-COUNTRY database. The database has been loaded into your store database. You should update the database ONCE per month only.  Please see setting section for further details.

For help and support please use the email form Email Support Form

If something has gone wrong or you need support then please include as much information as possible and a full description of the problem.  If you send me an email that just says 'it's not working', support is going to take a lot longer as I'm going to have to start asking lots of questions.... the more information I have the quicker I can solve any problems.