Opencart Competition System

Opencart Competition System

  • Product Code:  3454

The Opencart Competition Systems lets you run competitions from your online store. Everyone likes something for free - this can generate a lot of traffic and potential new customers to your site.

This is a fully featured competition system that is capable of running in multiple languages and across multiple stores.

The main elements of the system are as follows:

  • The competition system is capable of running multiple competitions at once;
  • Competitions are date enabled and customers can't enter after the given date;
  • You can set an optional question/answer for the customer to complete;
  • You can optionally set a login requirement (ie. have to create account first);
  • Competitions can be set for auto entry based on order value;
  • You can optionally force newsletter sign-up (Terms and Conditions Required)
  • Optional (though recommended) terms and conditions tick box;
  • Old competition details are still viewable so customers can see what they may have missed out on and perhaps revisit your site to see if there are any new competitions to enter (and hopefully buy something);
  • Old competitions show the winner(s) name;
  • The module is the way to advertise your competition - the module will show (a snippet of) the latest competition;
  • Entrants can only enter the competion once (once per email address);
  • The winner(s) is picked by random selection and is saved for future reference (whilst the competition exists) and can be emailed directly from the admin; You can set the number of winners you require.
  • Select winner(s) from all entries or only correct entries with the option of deleting incorrect entries also.
  • SEO, mutli-store and multi-language enabled;
  • Now includes Thumbnail images for Modules and Competition List.
  • Admin sets number of winners (from 1 to 999) per competition.
  • Competition Newsletter 'Unsubscribe' Page.
  • NEW:Question changed to Multi-Choice

Upto Opencart 2.3.x upload files by FTP. Requires vQmod to work.
Opencart 3.x install using the Extension Installer.

Instructions for Opencart 3.x can be found here: Competition Instructions

Auto Entry:
It is now possible to set competitions as 'Auto Entry'. If a compeititon is set as Auto Entry then it is not possible to enter the competition from the Competition Page, instead of the entry form a message (set in admin) is shown which you can use to state the entry requirements.

Auto entry ignores the question/answer, force login and newsletter signup options, it simply enters the customer in to the competition if their order value is higher than the value that is set in the admin.

If you run mulitiple Auto Entry Competitions at the same time, then the customer will be entered into all eligible competitions based on order value.

In line with the rest of the system, customers can only be entered into a competition once, they won't be entered into the competition after the end date and they won't be entered if the Competition or Auto Entry has been disabled. (Customers don't get a Auto Entry Competition Entry confirmation email at present).

Click Here for Catalog Demo

Click Here for Admin Demo

Admin: test
Pass: test

Naviage to Sales > Competitions (the 'email winner' link has been disabled for the demo)

New Installation - Opencart 3.x

  1. Go to Extensions -> Installer
  2. Upload the file and wait for it to finish.
    This could take a few minutes to upload so please be patient.
  3. Go to System -> Users -> User Groups, edit admin user and select:
  4. Go to Extensions -> Modifications and click on the 'Refresh' button top right.
  5. Go to Extensions -> Extensions, select Modules and then install the Competition Module.
  6. You can now access your new admin pages by using the Competitions menu link at the bottom of the admin menu.

New Installation upto Opencart 2.3.x (vQmod)

The instructions here are for Opencart 3.x.  Although the instructions are much the same, there are some small differences.

Please see the Installation instructions that are in the download.

Note: Installing the module installs the necessary tables to your database, uninstalling the module will DELETE the tables and if you have not backed them up you will loose all the competition data.


There is no 3.x upgrade at this time.

For Opencart 1.5.x to 2.3.x upgrades, please see the Updates Document in the download.

Terms and Conditions

You should create a set of terms and Conditions for your competitions.  A check box will be shown on the competition page that the customer must check to agree to the terms before they can enter the competition.  It is possible to run competitions without T&Cs set, the checkbox will not be show, but it is not advised.

Navigate to Catalog > Information and insert a new Information page - Add your Competition Terms and Conditions to the content. See the sample Terms And Conditions at the bottom of this page.

Set the Sort Order to -1 to hide the link in the footer

Navigate to System > Settings > Options tab and select your new information page for the Competition Terms. This is in the 'Account' section.

Auto Entry System

It is now possible to set competitions as 'Auto Entry'.  If a compeititon is set as auto entry then it is not possible to enter the competition from the Competition Page, instead of the entry form, a message (set in admin) is shown which you can use to state the entry requirements.

Auto entry ignores the question/answer, force login and newsletter signup options, it simply enters the customer in to the competition if their order value is higher than the value that is set in the admin.

If you run mulitiple Auto Entry Competitions at the same time, then the customer will be entered into all eligible competitions based on order value.

In line with the rest of the system, customers can only be entered into a competition once, they won't be entered into the competition after the end date and they won't be entered if the Competition or Auto Entry has been disabled. Customers don't get a Competition Entry confirmation email at present.

Multi-Choice Question

You can set a question for the entrants to answer. This is NOT checked at entry and incorrect answers can be submitted and saved.

In the admin you are able to select the winner(s) from either 'Correct Entries Only' or 'All Entries' You are also able to delete the incorrect entries to just leave entries with the correct answer - deleting the incorrect entries has no affect on the newsletter subscribers.

General Points

  • The competition system is capable of running multiple competitions at once;
  • Competitions are date enabled and customers can't enter after the given date;
  • Competitions have an optional question/answer requirement;
  • Optional Newsletter signup;
  • Old competition details are still viewable so customers can see what they may have missed out on and perhaps revisit your site to see if there are any new competitions to enter (and hopefully buy something);
  • The module is the way to advertise your competition - the module will show (a snippet of) the latest competition;
  • Entrants can only enter the competion once (once per email address);
  • The winner is saved for future reference (whilst the competition exists) and can be emailed directly from the admin;
  • SEO, mutli-store and multi-language enabled;
  • Admin can set any number of winners from 1 to 999;
  • Competitions can be set to Auto Entry at checkout if their order value is greater than the value set in the Admin.

Using the Admin Pages  


This is just a standard module and is used in the same way as all other modules.  The module will show a snippet of the latest competition and a link to the competition page.  As with all modules this can go in column left, right, content top or bottom.  Be aware that the module strips html tags from the snippet.

Competition List

This is accessed via Admin > Competitions > Competitions and displays a list of competitions.

  • Module Button: This is a shortcut to the module settings.
  • Insert Button: This button is to insert a new competition.
  • Delete Button: This button will delete the selected competition AND it will delete the corresponding entrants and the winner if one has been chosen.
  • Edit Link: Opens the competition for editing.
  • View Entrants: Click on this to view the entrants associated with the competition.

Inserting a Competition

Add a new competition from the Competition List page (Admin > Competitions > Competitions) by using the Add button in the top right of the page.

General Tab

  • Competition Name: Speaks for itself, try and get a keyword in there.
  • Meta Tag Description: Sets the meta tag description for the competition details page in the catalog.
  • Auto Entry Message: If the competition is to be Auto Entry then then you can put a short message here with the entry requirements etc.
  • Competition Details: Create your competition details here in HTML - it's the standard CKEditor the same as used for the products description.
  • Question: If you want to set a question then enter it here.
  • Answers A - D: Enter upto 4 answers here - only answers filled in will display.  Don't use special character but you can use things such as é. If there is at least 1 answer set here then the form will display the answer field(s) in the catalog. If there is no answer set here then the answer field(s) will not display.

Data Tab

  • Answer Is: Set which answer is the correct one (this only effects selecting the winner(s).
  • SEO Keyword: Sets the SEO URL keyword for the competition page in the catalog.
  • Number of Winners: Sets how many winners you want for the competition, limited to 999.
  • Enable Auto Entry?: Set to Enabled to enable the auto entry at checkout feature.
  • Auto Entry Order value: Set the amount a customer needs to spend to be entered into eligble competitions.  This value runs off the 'Sub-total' of the cart so it is the amount excluding all taxes etc.
  • Require login to enter: If you set this to Enabled then the button on the catalog competition entry page will be replaced with a link/text saying 'You must login to enter this competition'.
  • Force Newsletter Subscription?: If you want to capture your competition entrants email address to use for newsletters then set this to enabled. NOTE: Email addresses will only be stored if you have activated the Terms & Condidtions Tick Box as you will need to add that the entrant agrees to receiving newsletters in Terms and Conditions.
  • Thumbnail (optional): Select an image to use with the competition This image is used for the module and the competition list page.
  • Thubmnail Image Size: The size set here is ONLY for the Competitions List page.  The size for the module image is set within the Competition Module settings.
  • End Date: This is required and is the end date for the competition.  After the date has passed the entry form in the catalog will not longer show and a 'this competition has now closed' messge will be shown.  The competition will still be visible in the catalog.
  • Stores: Select the store to show the competition in.
  • Status: Enable or disable the competiton - disabling the competition will prevent it from showing in the catalog.

Competition Entrants List

This is accessed via the Competion List by clicking on the 'view entrants' link.

  • Insert Button: Click this button to insert an entrant.
  • Delete Button: Click this button to delete the selected entrant(s).
  • Go Button: Once the competiton has ended then you can select an appropriate action from the dropdown box and click the go button. The options here are to select a winner from 'All Entries' or 'Correct Entries Only', you can also delete all incorrect entries as well.The winner is chosen at random and then automatically saved for future reference. If you have already selected a winner then the button will read 'View Winner' instead and if you click the button you can view the winner for the selected competition.
  • Edit Link: Allows you to edit the name/email of an entrant.

Competition Winners Page

  • Cancel Button: Takes you back to the competition list.
  • Delete Button: This allows you to delete the current winner and then takes you back to the competition entrants list so you can select another winner in case you don't hear back from current the winner.
  • Email Winner Link: Click on this link and the winner will be emailed, you are then returned back to the competition entrants list.


Newsletter Subscribers can be managed from Admin > Competitions > Newsletters.
When you send emails from the admin (Admin > Marketing  > Mail) you find a new select entry called 'Competition Entrants'. 

Newsletter Unsubscribe

There is an 'Unsubscribe (Competition Newsletter)' page where users can enter thier email address and unsubscribe from the Competition Newletters.

The unsubscribe page can be found at the following URL:


It is recommended that you add a link to this page for any competition newsletters that you send out. This will only unsubscribe customers that are subscribed to the Competition Newsletters - it will not remove customers from any other lists.

Edits to Emails

The email text is held in the language files and can be found in the following locations:

  • Winners Email: ../admin/language/english/competition/competition.php

Subject: Competition Entry - Update
Congratulations, you're the winner of our Competition 1 competition.

Please reply to this email with your name and address and we'll arrange delivery of your prize.

Kind Regards,

Your Store.

  • Entry Email: ../catalog/language/english/information/competition.php

Subject: Competition Entry

Thanks for entering our competition and good luck.

We'll notify the winner by email shortly after the competition closing date which is 31/10/2011

Kind Regards,

Your Store.


Opencart 3.x
  1. Go to Admin > Competitions > Competitions and delete all competitions
  2. Go to Extensions > Extensions and select Modules. Uninstall the Competition Module
  3. Go to Extensions > Installer and uninstall 
  4. Go to Extensions -> Modifications and click on the refresh button. 

For help and support please use the email form Email Support Form

If something has gone wrong or you need support then please include as much information as possible and a full description of the problem.  If you send me an email that just says 'it's not working', support is going to take a lot longer as I'm going to have to start asking lots of questions.... the more information I have the quicker I can solve any problems.

Sample Terms & Conditions

Sample Competition Terms and Conditions (I can not and do not warrant their legality etc):

No Purchase Necessary To Enter.
Mainland UK residents only.

1.These terms and conditions apply to all competitions (unless and to the extent that) the competition states otherwise.

2.Unless otherwise specified, competition open to UK and ROI residents aged 18 or over except employees of COMPANY NAME, their families, agents or any other person(s) connected with the competition, including third party promotional partners.

3.Entry limited to one per person. The winner is responsible for ensuring they are able to accept the prize as set out and in accordance with these terms and conditions, in the event they are unable to do so then COMPANY NAME reserves the right to re-draw the prize.

4.Entry is free but entrants should be aware that they may be subject to local call charges depending on their own individual arrangements for Internet access.

5.By entering, all eligible entrants agree to abide by each and all these terms and conditions. Misrepresentative or fraudulent entries will invalidate an entry. COMPANY NAME reserves the right, with or without cause, to exclude entrants and withhold prizes for violating any of these terms and conditions. COMPANY NAME reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions. Any amendments will be published on the Website.

6.Unless otherwise specified, the winner(s) will be drawn at random from all correct entries received before the closing date. Winners will be notified within 28 days after the closing date. All reasonable endeavours will be made to contact the winner during this time. If a winner cannot be contacted or is not available, COMPANY NAME reserves the right to re-draw another winner from the correct entries which were received before the closing date.

8.Entrants will retain copyright in their submitted entries, however, by entering, all entrants licence COMPANY NAME a worldwide royalty-free perpetual licence to edit, publish and use each entry in any and all media (including print and online) for publicity and news purposes.

9. COMPANY NAME will not be liable for any failure of receipt of entries. COMPANY NAME takes no responsibility for any entries that are lost, delayed, illegible, corrupted, damaged, incomplete or otherwise invalid. Entries will not be acknowledged or returned.

10. COMPANY NAME will not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of the winner's (or their guest's) enjoyment of the prize.

11.Entries are limited to the following methods: Online through the form at this site.

12.The Prize has a retail value of the posted value as shown. All prizes come from STORE_NAME stock. No substitution, assignment or transfer of prize permitted. Winner is solely responsible for any and all applicable fees and taxes associated with prize receipt and use.

13.Where a prize has options available the winner will be allowed to specify their required option where the option is a no-cost option. Product options that increase the value of the prize item above the products standard base price are excluded from the competition.

14. COMPANY NAME reserves the right to cancel or modify the Contest if fraud, technical failures or any other factor beyond reasonable control impairs the integrity of the Contest, as determined by COMPANY NAME in its sole discretion. In such event, COMPANY NAME reserves the right to award the prize at random from among the eligible entries received up to the time of the impairment. COMPANY NAME reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual it finds to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Contest or to be acting in violation of these Official Rules or in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner.

OC Version 1.5.4,,, 1.5.6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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